Jammer, CH. Sagi's A Rock "N" and A Roll "N" CGC, TT, passed away on Nov. 12. He was bred by Jen Harbin and Robin Sheetz Lytle and was out of CH. Aigner Verbatim TT CGC ROM and Phydeaux African Queen Sagi CGC ROM HT TT . He would have celebrated his 14th birthday in February 2004. Jammer sired our two M litters out of CH. Dyana Jeni Bear CGC, HIC, Rass- Excellent/Pre-Select and Carcer Sweetheart Rose CGC, HIC. His tawny son (Sailor), CH. Bailywick Meilleur Winjammer d'Sagi, CGC (out of Dani) with two majors in Nov. 2003 under judges Lee Brown and Col. Wally Pede. In October 2003, we finished his black son (Wolfi) CH. Bailywick Mozart Carcer-Sagi with a major under Dr. Carmen Battaglia and in June 2000, his third, black son (Noir) CH. Bailywick Mouton Noir d'Sagi CGC, HIC finished with a major under Virginia Lyne. The two black boys were out of Rose. We express our appreciation to Jen, and Bill and EJ Bailey for assisting us with finishing our wonderful Briards- all of Jammer's show pups. Many thanks to Jen and Robin for Jammer's litters and our deepest
condolences to them on their loss. He was a great friend of ours, too